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7 March 2022

Great guest speaker, a new member, an old member re-joining, new community projects presented. It was a well attended and vibrant meeting.

The Special Guest Speaker was Nnamdi “Nam” Samuels on the topic ‘Our Health’. Nnamdi, a professional psychotherapist and counsellor with 22 years of clinical experience, has been visiting Pattaya Thailand for 33 years and absolutely love the people and country. So much that he has decided to reside here full time. He said “our health depends on our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial condition and these five parts are all interconnected.Take good care of your entire health.”
New member

Don Land has transferred from RC Chiangmai Airport to our club. Welcome Don!


Rotarian Sarah Jayne spoke about two new potential projects for our club.


Former member Margie Grainger has rejoined us again. Welcome Margie!

Rotarian Sarah Jayne made a short presentation of two interesting potential projects for our club: ‘Rotary Drinking Water’ and ‘Rotary Young Entrepreneur Fair’. The first idea is about setting up a sustainable waterbottle system with locals. The second idea is about encouraging and supporting young people to develop their ideas and present them at a trade fair. The projects need to be further discussed. This will take place in a smaller group of brainstorming sessions. If you want to talk along about this, contact Sarah Jayne.

We welcomed back (with a standing ovation) to membership in our Rotary club former Club Secretary Margaret “Margie” Grainger, as well as inducted a new member (transferred from ‘RC of Chiangmai Airport’) Rotarian Don Land.
  • Encourage and support young people to develop and present their ideas
  • Great socks of cannabis offered by our new member Don
  • Support low income farmers and other enterpreneurs in this area
Don surprised us all with a pair of cannabis socks. He supports governments and farmers across the country about the potential of the huge and growing cannabis business. He spoke about this extensively at our club meeting on the 21st of February. As there are great opportunities for low income farmers our club is considering to support a project. Contact Don for more information.

A report was given by Rotarian Martina from the meeting at the Rotary Club of Bangkok, where 6 of us attended the celebration of Rotarian General Saiyud Kerdphol’s 100 years birthday. She talked about how special it was to experience a birthday of a centenarian, especially that of Saiyud Kerdphol. What keeps a centenarian busy? Saiyud didn’t stop talking and still has so many things to do. Very inspiring!

Another enjoyable meeting of our club.

Next meeting will be on Monday 21. March 6.30 pm at the Royal Cliff Beach Hotel. 

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