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2 May 2022


Our incoming Vice-President and Secretary Rotarian Ron Cartey delivered a wonderful speech about his life and matters in his job as motivational speech/coach that really mattered to him. It was indeed one of the most inspirational speeches we have experienced in our Rotary Club of Pattaya. Rotarian Martina made an excellent Thai translation of the speech. Immediate Past President Boonseub Ekacara informed about the upcoming District 3340 Assembly in Chantaburi later this month. Rotarian Margaret spoke about her visits to Rotary clubs in USA and Australia and presented Rotary club banners to President Niels Colov. Information about the upcoming Installation Party, on Monday 20. June 2022, 18.30 PM at First Pacific Hotel, was given by the club president, who asked ALL members to attend and pre-buy tickets (from Club Administration Director Ron Cartey) at 500 baht per person. The admission fee included a buffet dinner and soft drinks. Wine would be provided at reasonable prices. Next meeting will be on Monday 16. May 2022, 18.30 PM at Royal Cliff Beach Hotel.

Alexandra: ” Great inspiring meeting about positive thinking and setting your goals by Our OWN Rotarian Ron Cartey. He has shared some important lessons to learn and encouraged us to be a mentor or look for One. I ❤️ the presentations by Our OWN members about their lives. Good to know each other better. A big thank you to Ron Cartey and Martina Sprangers who translated in Thai.”

Pattaya news: Rotary Club of Pattaya holds regular meeting with guest speaker Ron Cartey – The Pattaya News



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