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16 May 2022


What a loving evening full of connection and wisdom where our very own Rotarian Pat told her life story, shared her 13 life lessons with us and showed her deepest vulnerability.
Behind this beautiful woman who radiates a lot of strength is a girl with worries and fears who is looking for happiness and recognition. I’m so grateful that we have built an atmosphere at Rotary where it’s safe to say what’s on our mind.
Sharing what’s bothering you makes you stronger. Vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness! In addition, others can think along with you. That happened a lot tonight. Sharing is multiplying happiness. Happiness is all about LOVE, starting with loving yourself.
Dearest Pat, I think you are already a loving, meaningful person. Becoming famous doesn’t make you a better person. You are beautiful as you are. You just have to believe it yourself. LIVE LOVE ❤️

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