Promoting Peace

Since 2006 Pattaya has been declared ‘Peace city’ by the Rotary Club of Pattaya. Why? Pattaya never experienced war. Peace means much more than living without war. Living in peace is about living harmoniously with yourself, others and everything around you. The younger you realize the importance of peace, the more you live in peace with yourself and others. That is why children in Pattaya have been asked to express themselves with art about peace. 87 drawings has been received. We are impressed by the quality of the ART (see the impression below).You can become the proud owner of one or more reproductions of your favorite works of art.

All profits go to charities that are supported by the Rotary Club of Pattaya such as scholarships of unprivileged children.
Prices including TAX and delivery in Pattaya.

To purchase a Peace of Art or for more details, please visit


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